Frequently Asked Questions
Sunday School Begins at 09:30 am
Sunday services Begins at 11:00 am.
Currently, (December 19,2020)
Mid-Week Gatherings Begins at 6:30 pm
Marlow Kids
Adult Bible Study
Prayer Meeting
The best way is to come join us for Worship!
If you still do not feel comfortable, or are considered at risk there are plenty of ways to stay connected with us at Marlow Baptist Church
1. Check the Web-page frequently
3.Like us on Facebook
4.Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
5.Listen to us on FM 105.1 KMIL at 11am on Sunday Mornings
Giving is an act of worship, and it is the faithfulness in giving that makes it possible for these ministries to work and reach equip believers, and reach souls for Jesus Christ. Your gifts to the Lord make a tremendous difference in the Kingdom.
We will have offering plates set up at the beginning and the end of the service, feel free to drop your tithes off as you enter or exit the church.
Please mail your tithes and offerings to:
Marlow Baptist Church
1794 Co Rd 229
Cameron, TX 76520